Thursday 16 October 2014

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor: Photo Mode Added

Shadow of Mordor recived a patch last night which added, out of nowhere, a Photo Mode. Now regular visitors weill know that I am a sucker for a good Photo mode and Monolith have added a feature packed one to their already stunning game.

The new Photo Mode needs to be enabled in the options menu and once enabled can be activated in-game with a simple click of your left thumbstick. Its familar ground from there, as with previous photo modes you can postion and manipulate the camera position, zoom level and depth of field. Then there are a wide range of frames and colour filters. New to this photo mode though is the ability to add a texture to our photo. So you can make it look like an old parchment or metal. Its a nice touch and used correctly it certainly have a great impact on shots. Also it gives you control to place a logo on the shot. You can choose from various logos and can control the size and postion of them.

I havent had alot of time to play with it,but the few shots I took last ngiht certainly capture the games visceral combat to great effect. With the addition of this mode completely out of the blue, the surprise game of 2014 just keeps on surprising.

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