Thursday, 7 February 2013

Rocketbird​s: Hardboiled Chicken - Coming to PS Vita next Week

 Late last year, I was lucky enough to play the PC version of a quirky little shooter called Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken. The game was 2D shooter in the vein of Shank, but with birds. It was great game with plenty to enjoy and now it is coming to the Vita next week. 

Featuring a mixture of ground based shooting levels and jet pack fuelled aerial combat. The game has already seen success in Asia; despite being a purchase exclusive to PlayStation Plus members, it remained in the top three downloads since launch. Now players in the USA and Europe will be able to experience the high flying action as well. With a variety of unique new features including new chapters, puzzles, and plenty of fowl humor, Rocketbirds is ready to flock!

The Vita version has improved graphics, modified levels and a brand new end of game boss. Not forgetting both Adhoc and Online Co-op modes as well.

The press release also stated that PlayStation Plus users should be on the watch for special offers including Rocketbirds during the month of February.

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