Saturday 31 December 2011

Christmas at Two Little Gamers (and Happy New Year)

Well this year, Christmas has been great. Lots of food, lots of presents and lots of good times with family. Oh and rather unexpectedly, lots of moving. By this I mean not just simple moving, but frantic moving including arm waving, hip thrusting, jumping and body gyrating. I got a Kinect for Christmas and I never knew that gaming could be so exhausting. I have hardly touched Kinect Adventures as the Two Little Gamers have been all over Disneyland Adventures, which is awesome. Plus I am hoping it saves us some money as they can now go to the theme park whenever they want. This has meant a change around the house though, as the Xbox is now pride of place in the living room.

Thankfully, my parents surprised me by not getting me socks, pants and jumpers for Xmas this year. Instead they got me Star Wars: The Old Republic (and jumpers!). This game could seriously alter my gaming this year. I think the old 360 could be seeing a lot more of the living room and possibly gathering dust. All I need now is some time to play. Currently I am trying to get Skagul, my Sith warrior through his training on Korriban and get his lightsaber. Then it's off to destroy the galaxy.

Of course, Christmas is a time for family and that meant the usual Christmas day of visiting all relatives and not much time for any kind of Gaming. So a big thank you to my mother in law and her sister & husband who got me Mario Kart 7. It is the game I have played the most over the Christmas holidays and the best Mario Kart game I have ever played. The on-line and community options are just the icing on the cake. Lets hope that Nintendo are finally learning how to handle on-line gaming.

Finally I got Battlefield 3 and I have hardly touched it. Although the single player game I have played is awesome, it does feel like it is trying to be more Call of Duty than Battlefield. The multi player though is incredible and I expect to be spending some time with it in the coming months. The sales have already been in full flow and I have picked Dance Central 2 for a reasonable £25. I hope to pick up Assassin's Creed Revelations at some point too.

All in all, it has been a good Christmas. I have been spending some quality time gaming with my favourite people... my family! My first new year's resolution is to continue this with the aid of Kinect. The second one is to dance my ass thin!

With that though, Goodbye 2011!! and Happy New Year and a great 2012 to you all!!

Thanks for reading!

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